Tuesday 10 April 2012

Turn To Allah Before You Return To Allah

This is the story of Malik Ibn Dinar, Imam (scholar) in the days that followed the death of the Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W.). He used to cry all night and ask Allah, 'My Lord, you are the only one who knows who is going to Jannah (Heaven) and who is going to Nar (Hell). Which way am I going? My dear Lord, make me of those who go to Jannah!'

"I used to be so disobedient to Allah, drinking wine, mistreating people, deal with Reba (Usury), hit people, I used to do every sin to the point I was avoided by people. One day I felt like getting married as I longed for a baby to hold and care for. So I married and I was given a little girl whom I called Fatima. I loved the little girl so much that I started to have back my Eman (Faith) in Allah slowly. I started to move away from my bad deeds as days went by, Fatima was only two years of age when she pushed a glass of wine I was going to drink on purpose, as if Allah commissioned her to do so. The older Fatima got the closer I got to Allah and the further away I stayed from bad deeds. When Fatima turned three she died, so I changed completely into a monster, much worse than I was ever before. I did not have the patience that faithful people have to make me cope with the pain. Shaytaan was playing with me like a toy and was telling me what to do. One day Shaytan came to me and told me, "Tonight you will drink like you have never done before!" So I started drinking and drinking till I started seeing things and I fell into deep dreams. I then entered into Roaya (a dream that is from Allah, bad dreams are from Shaytan). I started to see the day of resurrection, the sun became dark, the seas are made of fire and Earth was shaken by massive quakes. People started to gather from every direction walking in groups and I was amongst them. Suddenly I started hearing voices calling a person by his name and then I saw a person being dragged by two angels and his face turned black from fear. I heard my name being called, "Malik Ibn Dinar, Come forward to appear in front of Allah Al Jabbar (the Almighty)." Suddenly All the people disappeared as if no one was being questioned but me. Then I saw a huge strong snake coming towards me with its mouth open, so I started running away from it. It kept following me. Then I saw an old man, very weak and sad, so I asked him to help me, save me from this snake. He replied, "Son, I am too weak to help you, but if you run this way you might be saved." I started running in the way he pointed, but I found the sea of fire in front of me. So I started thinking, 'Should I run away from a snake into the fire?' I decided to go back although the snake was still coming in my direction until I reached the old man again. I told him, "I ask you in the name of Allah to help me out of this situation." The old man cried and said, "I am so weak as you can see, I can't help you, but if you run towards that mountain you might be saved." So I went towards the mountain, the snake was close it almost snatched me. When I got to the mountain I saw many children, they started yelling, "Fatima, get your dad, get your dad!" I was happy to see my daughter Fatima who died at three years of age coming to save me. She took me with her right hand and pushed the snake with her left hand. I was like a dead person; barely moving from fear. Fatima then sat in my lap like she did in real life and she said to me, "Dad, is not the time ripe for the hearts of those who believe to submit to Allah's reminder?" (16) Al-Hadid

"I then asked Fatima about the snake, she said, "It's your bad deed. You looked after it and it grew this big and it's killing you. Didin't you know that deeds will be shaped in bodies in the day of Judgment?" I then asked her about the old man. Fatima said, "It's your good deed. You ignored it and made it so weak, it cried for you as it could not help you. If it wasn't for you having me and me dying little, no one would have been here to help you!"

"I then woke up from my dream screaming, 'Yes Allah it is time... it is time!' So I got up, washed myself and made Ablution, then headed for the Masjid to pray Alfajr (Dawn) prayer. When I got to the Masjid the Imam was reading the same Aya ( verse).

"Is not the time ripe for the hearts of those who believe to submit to Allah's reminder?' (16) Al-Hadid."

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