Sunday 8 April 2012

Tafseer Surah - An - Nās (114)

Sūrah an-Nās together with Sūrah al-Falaq are called al-Mu`awwithatain,
Satan made a promise that he would mislead mankind. The Qur’ān states;
 “[Satan] said, “Because You have put me in error, I will surely sit in wait for them [i.e., mankind] on Your straight path. Then I will come to them from before them and from behind them and on their right and on their left, and You will not find most of them grateful [to You].” (7: 16-17)

Ways that Satan follows to mislead son of Adam?
1.   Kufr [i.e., disbelief] and shirk.
2.   Bid`ah [i.e., innovation].
3.   Committing a major sin through temptation.
4.   Committing minor sins by making them attractive to him
5.   Leading man to stay busy doing permissible deeds, to lose time and rewards.
6.   This last step is to be taken by Satan when all of the above steps fail. He leads man to be busy doing less preferable acts

Methods to be followed in order to protect oneself against Satan’s evil?
1.   Saying al-Isti’āthah –
2.   Remembering Allāh’s names and saying du’ā at every activity of our daily life.
3.   Reading al-Mu`awwithatain and the Qur’ān.
4.   Making wudhū’ and salāh.
5.   Avoiding unneeded gaze
6.   Avoiding excess of speech
7.   Avoiding excess of food  
8.   Avoiding excess of mingling with people for no benefit or reason.

قل : Zirr bin Ḥubaysh said, “I asked Ubayy bin Ka’b about al-Mu`awwithatain, he replied, “I asked the Prophet about them and received the answer, “I was told, ‘say’ so I said, ‘say’. Therefore, we say as the Prophet had said.”
أعوذ: I seek refuge. To escape from something one may fear to someone who can protect him and who is reliable.
The attribute of Lordship has been connected to the word الناس)) because Allāh wants to emphasize the kind of His relation to man. Man has been related to God as a sign of honor and dignity given to him especially. It also means that God is going to give mankind help, protection and security as long as he is seeking refuge with Him.
       Lordship includes the meaning of creating mankind, educating them, raising them, protecting them from everything that may corrupt them, guiding them, and reforming them.
:ملك Malik Allāh has the entire authority upon them. He is their true King who judges among them. He also owns them Mālikuhum-مالكهم.
إله: ‘Ilāh - Allāh is the true God, who alone is worthy of being worshiped.
Lordship is mentioned first, because of its general inclusiveness of all creatures, particularly mankind. Divinity is mentioned last because Allāh is the God of those who worship Him alone. Sovereignty is mentioned in between because owning mankind is the result of His perfect Lordship over them, and being their true God is the natural sequence of His entire authority upon them.
The devil has been given the name (alwaswas) after his method of whispering to lead people astray. The repetition of (seen) and (waw) letters in the word suggests the repetition of the action of whispering. Shaytan does not give up. The prophet said; “the devil is upon the heart of son of Adam, when the latter remembers Allah the former retreats, but when one becomes heedless the devil whispers to him.”
He whispers (evil) into the breasts of mankind directly.
Devils are from among the Jinn and mankind.
The Jinn are invisible and the men are visible.
The Prophet went once into the mosque and saw Abu-Dharr sitting there; he instructed him to arise and perform two rak`ahs and said: “O Abu-Dharr! Seek Allah’s refuge from the devils of men and the devils of Jinn.” Abu-Dharr asked:
 “Are there devils from among men, O messenger of Allah?” He replied: “Yes.”
Allah says, “And thus We have made for every prophet an enemy – devils from mankind and Jinn, inspiring to one another decorative speech in delusion.” (6: 112)

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