Friday 3 August 2012

Burmese Muslims And The Blind World

While the rest of the Islamic world engages in rituals of the Holy month of Ramadan, fasting, praying and giving alms, the Muslim community of in Burma and Syria is being incessantly targeted and slaughtered mercilessly. 

In the recent months, thousands of Burmese Muslims have been butchered, while brutal methods of torturing, killing, inflicting physical and causing mental harm on them were employed by the Buddhists who are in majority in the country. Others are forced to flee for their lives and dwell in squalid conditions. Instead of resolving the problem by protecting the minority Muslims, the Burmese military regime, covertly supported the Buddhist rioters, which created greater hardships for the Muslims. 

Eye witnesses disclosed that Buddhist extremists torched several mosques, shops and houses of Muslims, while police and security forces of Myanmar remain silent. Even Burmese military and police have been found involved in massacre, target killings, disappearances and rape of Muslim women.
Meaniwhile In Syria, the past 17 months of conflict have been nothing less than a nighmare. Muslims are being forced to bow to Assad and worship him as a God. Stories of killings, rape and torture beyond human imagination are becoming part of the "normal" news.

“History will judge this Council,” U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said in a July 13 e-mailed statement. “Its members must ask themselves whether continuing to allow the Assad regime to commit unspeakable violence against its own people is the legacy they want to leave.”

Are these Muslims being helped? Your guess is only as good as ours. We hear of refugee camps being set up, maybe monetary aid being sent. We cannot really blame anyone for not helping unless we have done our part.

Truth is, in the age of internet, massacres of Burmese poor, innocent and helpless Muslims are continuing amid high felonious silence and complete boycott of international media.

International community, which proclaims itself as the sole saviour of the world and is committed to stop all sorts of terrorism, has turned a blind eye to the massacres and inhuman behaviour meted out to Burmese Muslims, who are the most persecuted community in the world.

The United Nations that dispatched international observers to Syria to prevent citizens from violent groups loyal to the Syrian government understands that its sole condemnation would bring the climate to normalisation. Even though this is the world’s largest and powerful institution, it is not considering on any proposal to send a team of international observers to Rohingya to prevent the lives of children, men and women.

Muslim countries, who always are on one platform against terrorism and that cannot see a single person having extremist ideas, too are keeping their mouth shut over this madness by Buddhist monks and their followers. These Muslim countries issue every hour a new press release over the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Syria; however, they don’t have a single word about Burmese Muslims and against Myanmar government.

These are Muslim countries, which have references from Qur’ān and Hadith as well as have Fatwas from prominent religious institutions to give their stand on war against terrorism a solid point, find no Qur’ānic verses that ask Muslims to help and assist with all means to oppressed Muslim community in any part of the world.

In short, there is no word to express what Burmese Muslims have been facing there. It is known, that any country, Muslim or non-Muslim, will not come forward to save them as they are not directed by the United States.

This is a blind world where blind humans live with no soul and with no sense of human values.

What We Can Do To Help:

Abu Said al-Khudri, may Allah be pleased with him, reported that the Messenger of Allah (SAW) had said:
"Whoever amongst you sees anything objectionable, let him change it with his hand, if he is not able, then with his tongue, and if he is not even able to do so, then with his heart, and the latter is the weakest form of faith." [Sahih Muslim]

Living miles and miles away from these people and knowing that we cannot do much to help these people, we should at least have it in our hearts that what's happening is wrong and beyond humanity. And we should try our best to spread the word, considering the media has turned a blind ear to the situation.

Reasons For Enjoining Good And Forbidding Evil:

~ Aspiring for Allah’s reward for doing so.
~ Fearing Allah’s punishment for neglecting this duty.
~ Experiencing rage due to transgressions of bounds and prohibitions laid down by Allah.
~ Wishing well for the believers, feeling compassion and mercy towards them, and hoping to save them from Allah’s punishment and wrath in this life and the Hereafter for the wrongs they had allowed themselves to commit.
~ Exaltation of Allah, glorifying and loving Him. He is entitled to be obeyed, never to be disobeyed; remembered, never forgotten; that life and wealth be sacrificed to safeguard his bounds against transgression.

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