Saturday 14 December 2013

Something Nice

"The little unremembered acts of kindness and love are the best parts of a person’s life."
William Wordsworth

Ever caught yourself smiling; as you strolled through an isle in a super market; because it brought back memories of someone who had done something nice for you? That feels good, doesn't it?

Ever did something nice for someone without telling them, and not expecting anything in return? Yes, that also definitely feels good.

The point is; when you do something nice, it makes you feel good about yourself. And, if you do it with a clean heart, then you're definitely getting rewarded for it too. 

Little acts of kindness never hurt anyone. So let's try to implant them in our daily lives!

Here are a few ideas...

~ Say Assalam Alaikum when greeting friends or family members. Actually, try this with someone who you don't get along with. Who knows, it might be the start of a new friendship. If not, all the good deeds will be in your pocket. That's a bonus!

~ Make Dua'a for people without telling them. In Saheeh Muslim and Sunan Ibn Majah, it is narrated from Abu Darda that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, 'The Dua of a person for his Muslim brother in his absence will be answered. At his head there is an angel, and every time he prays for him for something good, the angel who has been appointed to be with him says, 'Ameen, may you have likewise.'

~ Tell your parents you love them! 'Love you Mum, Love you Dad!' 
It's not only on Mother's Day or Father's day that you appreciate your parents, or do you?

~ If you are blessed enough to still have your grandparents around, spend some time with them. If they live in another country, email them or write them a letter.

~ Smile - it's a Sunnah

~ Say 'Alhamdulillah' for all the blessings that you have, rather than complain about all the things you don't.

~ Be polite. Say 'please' and 'thank you' often. 

Do not litter!

~ This is a hard one, but try to forgive someone who has really done you wrong from the bottom of your heart.

~ Leave a generous tip for a pleasant waiter.

~ Help a poor or needy person. It could be money, or meal for a day, or clothes in good condition that you don't need anymore.

~ Appreciate people for the things they do for you.

~ Compliment others! If you're a girl, tell another girl she's beautiful and don't be jealous of her beauty. If you're a boy, lower that gaze bro! HARAAM!!! ;)

These are all the little things I could think of. Do you have more? Share it with us by leaving your replies in the comments below.